Let's face facts...... Roman was the weak link of The Shield..... Rollins went "corporate" for a period of time to cement himself as a top guy..... Roman has removed any prestige, honor, etc that The Universal Championship had while he's been holding it hostage for three years plus..... Rollins is a work-horse.....both wrestler and champion.... Roman defends every other to every three PLEs...... Rollins is top guy because he's charismatic.....a skilled in-ring performer......does great character work.......and is fire on the mic... Roman is a top guy despite being as charismatic as plain yogurt...... having a very, very limited moves set..... boring The Universe to collective tears with his character work.....and being an absolute trainwreck on the mic......he is where he is because he fits the prototype Vince McMahon /HHH image of a World Champion..... 6'5"ish...... looks like he was called down from Mount Olympus......and can't wrestle worth a damn..... see also..... Hogan...... Warrior......etc.....
Let's face facts...... Roman was the weak link of The Shield..... Rollins went "corporate" for a period of time to cement himself as a top guy..... Roman has removed any prestige, honor, etc that The Universal Championship had while he's been holding it hostage for three years plus..... Rollins is a work-horse.....both wrestler and champion.... Roman defends every other to every three PLEs...... Rollins is top guy because he's charismatic.....a skilled in-ring performer......does great character work.......and is fire on the mic... Roman is a top guy despite being as charismatic as plain yogurt...... having a very, very limited moves set..... boring The Universe to collective tears with his character work.....and being an absolute trainwreck on the mic......he is where he is because he fits the prototype Vince McMahon /HHH image of a World Champion..... 6'5"ish...... looks like he was called down from Mount Olympus......and can't wrestle worth a damn..... see also..... Hogan...... Warrior......etc.....